Green Tea

Green tea differs from black tea in that it does not undergo enzymatic oxidation, as a result of which the black variety of the drink acquires astringency. The taste of green tea is more delicate, herbal.

Green tea contains antioxidants, polyphenols, carotenoids, catechins, tocopherols, kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, thein, tannin, ascorbic acid, vitamin P, minerals - chromium, manganese, selenium, zinc and a number of other substances. There are only 2 calories in one glass of unflavored drink.

Green tea, which contains caffeine, fights lethargy, depression and depression, reduces drowsiness, and stimulates the brain. It also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, the risk of myocardial infarction, inhibits the development of certain types of cancer, and promotes weight loss. Drinking the drink strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to diseases, improves eye health (including useful for the prevention of glaucoma), slows down the aging of the body due to antioxidants. According to a 2006 study, among those who drank green tea more than five times a day, the death rate decreased by 23% in women, by 12% in men. At the same time, from cardiovascular diseases - by 31% and 22%, respectively, from stroke - by 42% and 35%. It was also found that the drink prevents the development of dementia.

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